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To add a file transfer stream to a program for Windows Media Presenter

  1. Open Windows Media Administrator.
  2. In the Windows Media Administrator menu frame, click Multicast File Transfers.

    The Multicast File Transfers page appears.

  3. Under Multicast File Broadcasts, click the name of the program to which you want to add the stream.
  4. Click Streams, and then click New.
  5. To give the stream a name and description, click the General tab.
  6. To define the source and destination for the stream, click the Source/Destination tab.
  7. Under Source, click File to transfer files and folders.
  8. Under Destination Address:

    For a client to receive the multicast, the address and port you set for the stream must match the address and port specified by the control on the client's Web page. The control, Nsfile.ocx, sets the client's network card correctly.

    Multicast addresses range from through An address in the 239.*.*.* range is recommended for intranets. Avoid using addresses in the 224.*.*.* range. These are reserved for low-level protocols.

    IP port numbers range from 1 through 65535.

  9. To specify the scope of the multicast, select a Time to Live option:
  10. Under Destination, select a destination for the file transfer:

    This option allows you to load the client's cache with files before they are needed. For example, if you are streaming an .asf file that includes URLs of graphics files, you can transfer them to the client before they are needed for display. Because they are already in the cache, the client can display them quickly.

  11. Click the Advanced tab to set the bandwidth limit on the stream.

    For more information on the Advanced tab, see Using the file transfer Advanced tab.



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